3 Tips for the Novice Gun Collector

3 Tips for the Novice Gun Collector

If you’re thinking of collecting guns, there’s a lot of information out there, from the most valuable pieces to add to your firearm collection to guns that are most likely to increase in value. But to the novice gun collector, it becomes overwhelming.

To make things a little easier, and take some of the pressure off, here are three tips to get your collection started, regardless if you’re spending $200 or $2,000.

Novice Gun Collector Tip 1:

Every gun collection must start somewhere, so don’t worry too much about that necessary first piece. While some people collect any and all firearms they can, most have some sort of theme to their gun collections. Some common themes include:

  • Historical periods, such as World War II era or guns from the wild West
  • Gun styles, like historic 1911s or flintlock rifles
  • Manufactures, including Ruger or Glock
  • Application, such as hunting rifles or self defense pistols

Other times, the collection may have a more general theme, like old guns or guns from movies. And remember, it’s okay for your collection’s theme to simply be “guns I like to shoot.”

Novice Gun Collector Tip 2:

If you don’t know what gun to buy, but want to start your collection with a bang, choose a gun that’s either no longer manufactured or one that’s imported. Be sure it’s in good working condition and of a decent quality.

Imported, high-quality guns almost always hold their value and those that are no longer available are only going to become harder to find, increasing their worth.

Novice Gun Collector Tip 3:

When you can, buy the best. That doesn’t mean you should cash out your 401(k) to buy a gun you can’t afford, it means when given a choice between an okay gun and a good gun, opt for the good gun if it’s in your budget.

Again, don’t break the bank. Every gun in your collection should be two things: a gun you like and a gun you can afford.