45 Auto Ammo Delivers Super Self Defense Stopping Power

The .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol is considered a legendary firearm. This was a weapon of choice for many in the military during World War II and for good reason. The .45 offers a tremendous amount of stopping power.

For home defense, the .45 is a consistently recommended weapon. Once again, the stopping power of the firearm is suggested.  Anyone in the market for a home defense or a concealed carry gun should consider buying a .45 and .45 auto ammo.

.45 Auto Ammo Is Supreme

When you are confronted by a dangerous person in a life or death scenario, you may have to draw your weapon to defend yourself. The weapon should be sufficient enough to stop the threat.

Many self-defense experts recommend the 9mm because it offers less recoil and 9mm handguns are capable of holding significant amounts of ammunition. What if a home invader is wearing a thick leather jacket or it is winter time and he has a thick coat on?

Can a 9mm reliably penetrate these layers? More than likely it could, but do you want to rely on “more than likely” when faced with a brutal criminal?

45 auto ammo is going to deliver a massive payload. No matter what type of makeshift body armor the assailant is wearing, a .45 is more than up to dealing with the threat.

Low Recoil Loads Are Available

The question of whether or not the recoil on a .45 ACP may be too much, the standard answer is summed up in a single word: practice. The more you practice with your .45, the better you will be able to handle the recoil. You will also become a more accurate shot.

That said, you may also wish to look into purchase low recoil ammo for a .45 auto.

Low recoil loads are, essentially, standard .45 ammunition with a lesser amount of grain in them. Since there is less grain, discharging the weapon comes with smaller kick.

Accuracy improves greatly since your hand is not jerked around and the muzzle does not move up or down, right or left without warning.

Does the lower amount of grain reduce power? No, not when it comes to self-defense because most self-defense scenarios take place in close range.

One Again, Practice

Regardless of what type of load you are using, you do want to get a lot of practice in with your .45. You might even wish to enroll in a concealed carry or home defense course. Doing so increases the chances you can use the weapon effectively.