Choosing the Right Handgun for Competition Shooting

Many individuals choosing handguns for the first time have no idea what to look for and often buy a weapon simply to keep it in their safe or vehicles for protection.

Apart from learning to shoot many want more out of their gun. For example, taking up competitive shooting as hobby or sport. Some factors should be taken into consideration prior to purchasing the gun.

Do you know what type of competitions you would like to compete in? The action type a well as holster availability? These are some of the important questions to ask yourself.

Where to Start

In general you can get started in almost any game with a 9 mm in auto or a .38 special with most competitions allowing 9 mm ammo.

Some of the popular pistols include a Springfield XDm or a Glock 17. Competitive shooting usually has limits on the rounds your pistol are allowed. This should not be a deciding factor however as you can load the magazine to lower capacity.

Choosing Your Pistol

When choosing handguns make sure magazines are available as you would require at least two additional magazines for some competitions.

You should always consider the possibility of a magazine malfunctioning during a crucial stage. The additional magazines allow for more flexibility when planning reloads during games.

Internal or manual safety is a matter of personal choice and opinion. Many prefer internal whereas others prefer manual thumb safety.

However, as far as recommendation goes internal does seem like the better option. You don’t waste time by getting the gun out of its holster and fumble with a safety.

Semi-Automatic Handguns

Semi-automatic handguns with removable magazines are the ideal options especially for beginners as oppose to revolvers. They offer more versatility and are easier to fire, load and clean as well.

Durability is another factor to consider when you think of the thousands of rounds you will be shooting with the firearm without major issues.

Final Thoughts on Choosing Handguns

It is also important that the gun is approved and legal in IDPA and USPSA classes depending on which types of competitions you wish to enter. It is import to realize that not everybody is capable of shooting and shooting well with a handgun.

Therefore do not go out and buy the full gear before you accessed yourself as mentally and visually capable of shooting.

You do not wish to experience a diminished rate of return therefore opt for a full sized handgun with the barrel only four to five inches in length.

Although there are more considerations take into regard that you are the one who are actually going to use the gun, therefor make sure it feels right for you and suit you personally.