Air Rifle Ammo—the Best for Your Needs

Air Rifle Ammo: The Best For Your Needs

One of the most common topics on air gun forums are the pros and cons of the different air rifle ammo. There are dozens of models that are making it to the top of the selection list of competitors, hunters, and amateur alike.

There is also a lot of chatter on topics like pellets and ammunitions. You are likely to stumble upon discussions about the difference between .177 caliber pellets (for air guns) offered by different manufacturers.

To make things more complicated, you may find that a particular manufacturer’s ammo greatly outperforms that of another. Which one do you choose?

Weight of Pellets

In contrast to their heavier counterparts, lighter pellets are known to leave the air gun’s barrel faster and more accurately. This basically means that they take less time to reach their target and have a flatter trajectory.

Heavier pellets usually boast of a less flat trajectory as they take a longer time to reach the target; this is because of the force of gravity that keeps pulling them towards the center of the Earth.

Resistance of Air

Air resistance is another essential factor that greatly influences the flight of air gun pellets; it increases along with the speed’s cube. Every time you double the actual speed of the pellet moving down the range, you end up increasing the air resistance.

Air resistance plays a crucial role in hunting shots that are beyond a 10m range. This is one reason why shooters are advised to use the heaviest pellets possible.

Shape of Pellets

The other important factor that affects the usefulness of pellets is its shape. While Wad cutters are basically flat nose pellets that are used worldwide for shooting paper targets, the medium weight and round nosed pellets are recommended (for their shape and weight) for air rifles that are medium powered.

For air rifles with small caliber (that measure .177 and.20), round nose hollow points serve to be the best hunting ammo. These pellets are reputed for gliding through the air and their regular round noses are capable of increasing the force of impact after the shot is fired.

Summing Up

Whether you are planning to use a 30-30 ammo or desirous of trying out air rifle ammo of varying shapes, weights and sizes (of different brands). You are well advised to indulge in proper research and go for the one that best suits your needs.

Are you ready to fire?