How to Find 22LR Ammo on Store Shelves Today

These days, ammunition sales continue to rise with each passing day. Certain types of ammo are more popular than others, though. A number of factors make 22LR ammo the most difficult caliber to find in stores.

Countless rifles, pistols, and even shotguns are chambered in this ammunition after all. Therefore, ammo shortages are common around the country for .22LR bullets.

Customers tend to snatch them up whenever they’re in stock. Other individuals often can’t find any ammunition.

Why .22LR Is Always Out of Stock

Firearms chambered in .22LR are the most popular weapons in the country. Most people learn to fire a 22 caliber firearm before anything else. Plus, it’s a popular option for children learning to shoot, too.

Even though thousands of stores sell such ammunition, most deplete their stock as soon as the ammo arrives. Online ammo retailers often charge hefty premiums for ammo, or they don’t have any stock themselves.

In most cases, clever enough individuals can still find ammo.

Find Out The Delivery Schedule for Ammunition

When a person seeks out .22LR ammunition, they need to contact local retailers that sell bullets. It’s important to find out when ammunition deliveries are made during the week.

Typically, stores won’t hold or reserve ammo for callers, so buyers need to be there when stock arrives. Knowing the delivery schedule allows a person to waste less time looking at empty shelves.

Individuals that are standing by the ammo counter when ammo arrives are far more likely to go home satisfied.

Buying More Than Necessary to Stay Stocked Up

If a buyer actually finds ammunition in stock, then they should purchase as much as possible. Some stores limit .22LR sales to three or four boxes, but that’s not always the case. An individual might run short on ammo by failing to purchase enough now.

In that situation, they’ll wind up dealing with shortage problems the next time they need bullets. Without a doubt, it’s important to find affordable ammo, so a person shouldn’t settle for paying a hefty premium due to shortages whenever possible.

Get Around The Ammo Shortages

In the end, .22LR and other calibers of ammunition are hard to find today. Thousands of boxes hit store shelves each day and sell out almost immediately. Smart consumers know to be at a given store when ammunition is delivered.

Likewise, they’re smart enough to purchase more ammo than they actually need. Ammunition shortages are likely to persist because demand is so high right now, and consumers need to know how to deal with this situation.