Guidelines for Safe Ammo Disposal: What You Need to Know

Regardless of the weapon or ammo manufacturer it is possible to have bad ammo at some point. For example, even trusted brands such as Wolf ammunition inevitably have bad ammo regardless of the reason.

This may be because of bad primer used or corroded surplus rifle ammo. You might damage your ammo when loading or reloading your gun. The shipping process can also damage ammo.

Now the question arise what to do with ammunition not fit for shooting?

Ways of Disposing Ammo

Shooting ranges often have a disposal bucket for dumping of stray dud rounds. However, the average person does not have a disposal receptacle at home. Though there is no specific and correct procedure, incorrect disposing of ammo poses dangers?

Depending on where you live it might even be illegal to dispose of ammo in your regular garbage. You should also keep in mind that most ammo contains lead.

Even if the primer did not ignite when you pulled the guns trigger there is always the possibility that it can still go off during certain circumstances.

Safe Ammo Disposal

Safe ammo disposal therefore depends on several factors. Quantity is obviously the main deciding factor as one or two cartridges would be easy to ditch than dozens of cartridges which might have been left by someone in a garage of your new residence.

The geographical location also plays a role in options open to you and living in major metropolitan areas would offer facilities equipped in handling ammo disposal. Ways of ammo disposal include the following:

Disassembling and re using as components might be salvageable with the use of a kinetic bullet pulling tool owned by many gun enthusiasts and very inexpensive. They often re-use both the bullet and the case even of the primer is worthless.

A common solution when you have more than just a few ammunition cartridges to dispose of is burying it. Burying it is a good solution and unlikely to hurt anyone as oppose to chucking it into the trash, although it might also be illegal depending on your location.

Ammo has a higher lead concentration than what is already in the ground. It does have negative environmental impacts as you might realize when taking the purity of the lead into consideration.

You should always handle ammo properly. If you do not have a hazardous waste facility in your town, you can contact your local police force and they will take your unwanted ammo for you.