What You Need To Know About Gun Self Defense

What You Need To Know About Gun Self Defense

It’s 2:00AM.

You are sound asleep when you hear a loud bang coming from downstairs. You reach into the nightstand and pull out your handgun and fumble around and load in some 9mm ammunition.

Slowly you creep downstairs and………..how would you finish that sentence?

How would having a gun impact your approach to self defense?

Would you run downstairs and start shooting?

Would you attempt to call the police the hide and use your gun only in a life and death situation?

The truth is that each person handles situations differently and there is no absolute truth as to what to do. However, it is important to remember a few basic rules to help prevent something catastrophic from happening.

Guns Can Be Used to Intimidate Intruders

First and foremost, in a self defense situation guns are primarily used for intimidation rather than being used to actually harm someone. Statistics show that law abiding citizens don’t often harm criminals. Odds are that you probably won’t have to discharge your firearm.

Therefore, initially some find it best to scare the intruder at first by just simply pointing the gun at them. Remember never to point the gun at something you’re not willing to shoot, but in this instance shooting may be necessary. The intruder may or may not try to flee, and if they do then the next step depends on your comfort level.

Keeping safety in mind, the safest choice would be to let them flee and then immediately call the police. Chasing them or subduing them is usually not recommended as they could be carrying a gun or fight back.

What to Do If the Intruder Doesn’t Run?

If the intruder does not flee and decides to fight then it may be time to discharge your weapon in the act of self defense. If the situation reaches this point then it is time to practice all that you learned up to this point.

However, your memory may be a little shaky and your body may not respond the way you want it to due to adrenaline. Regardless, exercise the basic rights of firing a gun. Hold the weapon in the firing-ready position.

Steady the gun with your other hand. Keep your thumbs clear of the hammer. Steady your stance. Develop your sight picture and focus the aim on the intruder. Slowly squeeze the trigger, and follow through.

If all goes well, the intruder has been incapacitated and you are able to get to safety and call the police.

Remember, it is better to have a hand gun and not need it than need it and not have it. Stay safe!