Five Reasons Why Sport Shooting Is Popular

Five Reasons Why Sport Shooting Is Popular

Sport shooting is growing rapidly. Here are some reasons why more people are discovering that they just love shooting.

It’s Fun

Sport shooting is great fun. It doesn’t matter if you’re firing a BB, shooting tins on fences, or shooting at targets and clays with the appropriate ammo.

It’s the fun element that keeps people coming back for more. If you’ve never tried it before, find your nearest shooting range and have a go. But be warned, it is addictive.

It’s Safe

It’s true that guns can be dangerous in the wrong hands. However, the following statistics might interest you:

According to studies by the National Safety Council and Harvard Medical Practice you are:

  • 100 times more likely to get an injury when you’re in a swimming pool than by a gun
  • 31 times more likely to get injured as a car passenger than by a gun and most scary of all
  • 1,900 times more likely to receive an injury caused accidentally by a physician or other member of hospital staff – than by a gun.

Although the number of people owning a gun in the US is rising, so are the amount of training programs in gun safety. The number of injuries caused by guns is at an all time low.

It’s Fun for All of the Family

This is a great sport for the whole family. Although everyone thinks of men as enjoying shooting, the number of women signing up for gun training is on the increase. Why not make some happy memories with your children, your parents and your grandparents.

Training youngsters to shoot can help them with setting and achieving goals and how to learn by their mistakes. It also promotes a sense of humor!

It’s a Great Solo Sport

Once you’ve had training (and this includes basic training at a rifle range) you can shoot on your own if that’s what you would prefer. You can enjoy your me time and avoid peer pressure while improving your ability.

Once you feel more confident and are happy with your marksmanship, you can always progress to competitive or group shooting if you choose.

It’s a Great Hobby if You’re Disabled

There have been so many advances in the availability of highly technological gadgets that it’s no problem to take up shooting as a hobby. Some of the top competitions include disabled competitors.

There are many other benefits. Sport shooting training can:

  • Improve both mental and physical discipline
  • Give a greater sense of personal responsibility
  • Help with crime prevention and National Defence
  • Help to encourage a brave society that is prepared to self sacrifice

Give Sport Shooting a Try…

Have fun and be safe but don’t forget, we did warn you it’s addictive.