4 Self Defense Weapons Every Woman Should Carry

4 Self Defense Weapons Every Woman Should Carry

When it comes to self defense weapons, there’s more out there than mace and oversized flashlights. Maybe you don’t think you’re at risk, so protecting yourself doesn’t seem necessary.

Perhaps you think carrying one weapon, say a mini revolver, is enough to protect you, regardless of what happens.But what if an attacker comes from behind? What happens if he kicks your gun out of your hand?

Don’t leave yourself vulnerable. These four self defense weapons can keep you safe in a variety of situations.

Concealed Carry Firearm

While you shouldn’t solely relay on a pistol for self defense, don’t leave home without one. If you’re unsure what’s the best self defense gun for women, choose one you can control, but still has stopping power. And always use self defense ammunition.

Tactical Knife

If you need a self defense weapon in close range, you may not have time to draw your handgun. In these cases, go for a good quality tactical knife.

Find one that’s lightweight and has at least a three inch blade for self defense. Chances are you won’t kill someone with a knife, but in a tight situation, you can cut and run, getting out of the situation as fast as you can.

Pepper Spray

In some cases, you may not want to use your firearm, or even your knife. Maybe you don’t have your gun on you or maybe you know your perpetrator. Over 80% of rape victims know their assailant.

Pepper spray is easy, quick, and more effective than you may think. It works just as good on dogs as it does people, and you can spray it behind you as you run away. But remember, pepper spray doesn’t stop your attacker. It only slows them.


A keychain weapon, a kubaton (sometimes kubotan) is made from a hard plastic or metal, no more than 5.5 inches long, and about a half inch in diameter. You can use it strike an attacker or to apply extreme leverage or pressure.

These self defense weapons blend in with your keys and others rarely notice them as a striker. What’s more, when your kubaton’s on your key ring, you always have it nearby.